It’s Buh-Bye Toxic Relationships 2020 and Be Better Partners 2020! Everyone’s warning you about red flags in relationships, but it is time we recognize the green flags in relationships. Green flags (as in automobile racing) is used to signal the start of a race. In relationships, waving green flags means the one you are dating is shaping to be a keeper. How do you tell if you’re finally in a healthy relationship? How do you know if you’re already with the potential “The One”? Take a look at our list below and see how many of these green flags have already waved at you!
- They hold space for you.
- They create a secure connection with you (nurtures your confidence and don’t make you feel threatened with anybody else).
- They ask about your love language and attempts to show you love in ways you are designed to receive it.
- They do not let their ego rule.
- They do not give you judgmental labels.
- They are willing to be wrong and apologizes when your feelings are hurt.
- They strive to be more curious than defensive during fights.
- It Is always US versus THE PROBLEM and not YOU versus ME when problems are present.
- You are a team through the good, the bad, and the ugly.They never intentionally put you down.
- They call you out on your mistakes so you can grow together.
- They speak up when they have concerns and are clear in setting boundaries.
- They respect your boundaries and stops doing things you tell them to make you reasonably uncomfortable.
- They support you through your issues.
- They are willing to work in healing from past traumas, heartbreaks, and mistakes to be fully present in your relationship.
- They prioritize self-care as much as caring for you.
- They bring out the best in you.
- They grow with you.
- They are aligned with who you are and who you are becoming.
- They are consistent in their good intentions towards you.
It is essential to pursue a relationship that is bound with respect and equality. The only way we can truly do this is when we know how not to turn a blind eye when red flags present themselves. As Tracy Malone, a relationship expert, said, “Never be rushed, even if it feels good. A soulmate will be kind and patient, while abusers rush to confuse victims and to control. If you prove hard to control quickly, an abuser will back off, and you will save yourself heartache.”