How does a Psychic Reading work?

Your aura holds information of all that has happened to you during your lifetime. For example, if you broke your arm when you were ten years old falling from a tree, this information is stored in your aura or your energy system. Likewise, your soul stores information of what has happened to you over your many lifetimes. It is this energy storage system that the reader connects with.
For someone who has the ability to tune in, the information unfolds like a story or watching a movie. Once connected energetically, the reader will reach out to you with all their psychic senses – which are very similar to the physical senses – with the intention to ascertain the influences around you right now.
In the same way that you receive information on the physical level, the reader will receive it on the psychic level. This means that they can see, feel, hear or know something that comes through psychically, regardless of distance. For example, you may have lost a deceased loved one recently who is still with you. When the reader reaches out with their psychic senses moving into your energy field, the deceased loved one may become aware of the reader doing so. They may have been trying to communicate with you to give you a message, not to grieve so much or to start to get on with your life. At this point the deceased loved one will attempt to show themselves to the reader in whatever manner the reader receives the information, so that the message can be passed on to you.
The reader may sense your guardian angels and spirit guides, deceased loved ones, deceased pets and some can even see inside your body and organs. They can see beyond the physical and see who or what is affecting you right now and why.
Psychic phenomena crosses time and space and does not obey the rules of man-made time. Psychics can see beyond the physical and see, feel, hear or sense who or what is affecting a person right now. It is limitless what can be done in a psychic reading and psychics are able to ‘read’ a client from anywhere on the planet.
The distance between a client and reader does not affect the quality of your reading. The psychic can make a connection from your voice, of course, or your name or even just from knowing she or he is going to be doing a reading for. It makes no difference to the accuracy of the reading. So it doesn’t matter where in the world you are.
The information a client received from a psychic that is in the same room is no different to the information from a psychic on the other side of the world. It is sometimes more powerful receiving a reading from the other side of the world because it validates the information for you.