Looking After Your Chakra

There are many ways to heal, clear, or balance your Chakras. Crystal Healing is one way to mentally and spiritually feel more focused on one’s awareness and be resilient. Here is an easy guide on how to use semi-precious stones as an aid in vibrational energy-based system of healing:
- Breathe deeply and centre yourself as you choose a crystal for each Chakra. Prepare for your healing by getting what you need to be comfortable.
- Put your phone on silent, get a drink of water and tissues (never underestimate the power of flowingenergy) and most of all get pillows and a rug so you can sit or lie down somewhere and be comfortable.
- Place your chosen crystals on or near the corresponding parts of your body. Take care where you place stones. There is no use trying to balance a 5lb crystal ball on your third eye as you may give yourself an injury. Size is not important with crystal healing; small crystals can be best.
- Spend from ten minutes to an hour lying down, breathing deeply and relaxing on the exhale, as these crystals work on aligning your Chakras. Do not worry if a stone moves or falls off your body, as they tend to do that when their job is done.
- Always thank your crystals for contributing to your healing before you put them away.
This will help you identify the Crystals associated with each Chakra:
Crown’s colour is violet or brown. The organs within it are the higher brain function and the pineal gland. Its energetic sense focuses on enlightenment, oneness, devotion, and peacefulness. In healing your Crown through Crystal Healing, you may use clear quartz, fluorite, opal, or diamond.
Third Eye’s colour is indigo. The organs within it are the eyes, the pituitary gland, and the left and right brain. Its energetic sense focuses on self-assessment, vision, clairvoyance, ideas, and truth. In healing your Third Eye through Crystal Healing, you may use amethyst, sugilite, lapiz lazuli, and azurite.
Throat’s colour is blue. The organs within it are the neck, arms, hands, ears, thyroid, and nose. Its energetic sense focuses on expression, judgment, clairaudience, and faith. In healing your Throat through Crystal Healing, you may use blue-lace agate, turquoise, and sodalite.
Heart’s colour is green or pink. The organs within it are the heart, thymus, and the Immune System. Its energetic sense focuses on love, healing, grief, compassion, and hope. Its energetic sense focuses on expression, judgment, clairaudience, and faith. In healing your Heart through Crystal Healing, you may use malachite, aventurine, rose quartz, and jade.
Solar Plexus’ colour is yellow or gold. The organs within it are the stomach, liver, skin, pancreas, and gall bladder. Its energetic sense focuses on self-esteem, will power, trust, anxiety, and intuition. In healing your Heart through Crystal Healing, you may use citrine, calcite, amber, gold, and sunstone.
Sacral’s colour is orange. The organs within it are the bladder, digestion, and reproductive organs. Its energetic sense focuses on worthiness, fear of loss of control, and honour. In healing your Sacral through Crystal Healing, you may use carnelian, bloodstone, coral, unakite, and jasper.
Root or Base’s colour is red or black. The organs within it are the legs, bones, blood, and rectum. Its energetic sense focuses on belongingness, feeling safe, grounding, and psychic. In healing your Root through Crystal Healing, you may use obsidian, hematite, onyx, and smoky quartz.
Psychics and Clairvoyants can look into your Chakra and help you regain balance within your energy, too. Psychics can help you achieve the spiritual healing and guidance that you need.