The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel, circle or disc. Chakras appear as a wheel-like spinning energy vortex. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, chakra refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. They reside in our subtle or spiritual bodies which are mirrored by our physical body.
When pure energy flows unobstructed between all chakras, a person experiences kundalini, which is said to greatly enhance consciousness. Chakras receive and regulate universal energy in our bodies.
They generate and maintain our life force. Our body exists on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual or etheric levels simultaneously.
Chakras are centred close to our spine and their energy is transmitted out the front and back of our body. Your chakras are busy as they project your energy into the world, and filter your aura. This energy flow is symbolised by a clockwise and anticlockwise coil around a spinal cord.
There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. To visualise a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy called Prana is a vital life force that keeps us vibrant, healthy and alive.
These swirling wheels of energy correspond to massive nerve centres in the body that affect our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Chakras have vibrations which affect organs, mental states, sounds and colours. Traditionally, chakras are represented by the seven colours of the rainbow.
Since everything is moving, it is essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned and fluid. However, as they transfer our life history into our cells, chakras can have blockages or be out of balance. Blocked and imbalanced chakra disrupts the energy flow and needs to be purified and balanced to be in optimum health.
The Crown
Body parts: Higher brain function, the pineal gland
Colour: Violet or White
Energetic sense: Enlightenment, oneness, devotion, peacefulness
Crystal healing: Clear quartz, fluorite, opal, diamond
The crown chakra is directly connected to spirituality. A person with a fully developed crown chakra has an understanding of “oneness,” universal existence as well as true inner peace. Crown chakra enables us to tap into higher levels of spirituality and develop our claircognizance. Blockages in the crown chakra are manifested by physical symptoms in the body parts that it correlates to and leads to feeling lonely, fearing death and low self-esteem.

The Third Eye
Colour: Indigo
Body parts: Eyes, pituitary gland, left and right brain
Energetic sense: Self-assessment, vision, clairvoyance, ideas, truth
Crystal healing: Amethyst, sugilite, lapis lazuli, azurite
The third eye chakra is associated with our intuition and psychic abilities. It enables visualisation and manifestation. When there are blockages in the third eye chakra, things like fear through imagination and dreams, as well as irrational intuitive insights are manifested. Physical symptoms of blockages in this chakra include persistent headaches (especially in the centre of the forehead), insomnia, anxiety and depression.

The Throat
Colour: Blue
Body parts: Neck, arms, hands, ears, thyroid, nose
Energetic sense: expression, judgement, clairaudience, faith
Crystal healing: Blue-lace agate, turquoise, sodalite
The throat chakra controls mental creativity and communication. When this chakra is balanced, we speak and listen in the spirit. Of truth and also express anger and other emotions in a constructive manner. Energising this chakra improves one’s clairaudience. Imbalanced or blocked throat chakra results in poor communication, overindulgence in eating and drinking, respiratory disorders, dental disorders, low self-esteem, feelings of anger, hostility and resentment.

The Heart
Colour: Green or pink
Body parts: Heart, thymus, immune system
Energetic sense: Love, healing, grief, compassion, hope
Crystal healing: malachite, aventurine, rose quartz, jade
The heart chakra is a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms and the centre of emotional well-being. When this chakra is fully developed, one can give and receive unconditional love, which manifests as compassion. Dysfunction of the heart chakra can result in the inability to love, fear, anger, sadness and feeling of disconnection which can lead to heart disease.

The Solar Plexus
Colour: Yellow or gold
Body parts: Stomach, liver, skin, pancreas, gall bladder
Energetic sense: Self-esteem, will power, trust, anxiety, intuition
Crystal healing: Citrine, calcite, amber, gold, sunstone
The solar plexus chakra is associated with the intellect and is the seat of our power. When balanced, this chakra gives us a sense of purpose. It helps us transform our hopes and aspirations, particularly material ones, into reality. Imbalanced solar plexus chakra can result in physical and financial insecurity and the need to dominate others. Digestive disorders are associated with this chakra.

The Sacral
Colour: Orange
Body parts: Bladder, digestion, reproductive organs
Energetic sense: Worthiness, fear of loss of control, honour
Crystal healing: Carnelian, bloodstone, coral, unakite, jasper
Sacral chakra is located in the groin. When balanced, the sacral chakra energises emotions, sexuality and creativity. It increases vitality and makes a person spontaneous and ready to seize the moment. Imbalance in this chakra can result in overindulgence in food or sex, reproductive disorders and feelings of jealousy and confusion.

The Root or the Base
Colour: Red or black
Body parts: Legs, bones, blood, adrenals, rectum
Energetic sense: Belonging, feeling safe, grounding, psychic
Crystal healing: Obsidian, hematite, onyx, smoky quartz
The root chakra is located in the region between the genitals and the anus. A balanced root chakra results in a healthy desire for basics such as warmth, food and shelter. Imbalanced root chakra could make a person withdraw from physical reality, feel victimised, operate in a highly selfish mode, be prone to violence, or feel afraid of life. Physical symptoms include problems in the feet, legs and lower back.

Our chakras are multidimensional energy vortices that exist on all these levels at all times and through all time. We can use chakras to raise our self-awareness, increase our energy levels, resolve health issues, become more intuitive, experience powerful tantric sexual energy, promote good health and even heal past life issues.
At Psychic Truth, we have gifted psychics who are experienced in the area of chakra alignment and healing. Have a psychic reading today, call us on 01223 800 616.