Happy New Year! For this week’s AstroTarot presentation, Lunarcraft looked at the whole of 2022. Starting as usual with general indications, then moving on to specific indications for each of the star signs and the final part will be to look at the Tarot.
AstroTarot reading combines the powers of Astrology with those of the Tarot. Lunarcraft (Reader ID 8608) draws tarot cards for each star sign and help you understand the meaning of the cards and how their influences can guide you to the right path.
Read on or visit our YouTube channel for the video version.
This week is a little bit different because I will be looking at the coming New Year 2022. As usual, I’ll start off with more general stuff moving into the more targeted stuff at your sign Taurus and then finishing off with the tarot cards.
Overall 2022 is going to be really good. So different to what we’ve become used to. It’s mainly because lucky Jupiter is the most active planet right through the year. Bear in mind that it’s actually the energy of the moon that triggers the real activity. With the partnership between Jupiter and the moon, there should be a return to happier times and potentially, the global economy will start to recover. A lot is happening in the first half of the new year. In February, Jupiter teams up with Uranus. What that means is around the 18th of February, Jupiter, who brings joy will team up with Uranus who brings change. On this occasion, we should start to see a return to greater freedoms and believe you may, it’s not before time.
in April, it’s the term the turn of expansive Jupiter meeting more meditative Neptune. Now, that will indicate that the world is going to wake up to the fact that spirituality and meditation are potential life changes. Expect to see a lot of encouragement. It’s already started, in fact. I don’t have a day go by when I’m not told it’s time to meditate. Also along with that, Aquarius, which is concerned with humanity, teams up with Saturn, who brings tough lessons. That partnership will continue right through into 2023. It should bring an overall improvement all around, but also for signs that things are returning to normality, if anyone can still remember what that looks like, will start to be built.
Jumping ahead to May, we’ve got Jupiter with Pluto. Pluto can be a little bit of a menace, but it doesn’t matter because, on the 3rd or 4th of May, the alignment between Jupiter and Pluto could well result in triggering a healing crisis. It’s too soon yet to say what that will be, or whether it will be physical healing or mental healing or healing in its broadest sense. But you would be doing yourself favours if you were able to spend some time clearing out energies and thought patterns, behaviours, attitudes, that no longer serve you. The benefit of doing that is you be making space for new stuff to move in.
Finally, going back to the connections between Jupiter and Neptune. Remember what I said previously that Neptune is the master of illusion. So just look out for any negativity that might be forming around you and pull the reigns in. Keep it in check.

Looking at the more specific stuff, the only indications for you Taurus are that you’re going to have an exciting year ahead. It’s very likely that you could, in fact, have a meeting with your own destiny. Now that sounds big and it is, but you will find that it happens through the year, triggered by solar eclipses on the 30th of April, and then a lunar eclipse on the 8th of November. They will occur in your sign and will bring you a deeper sense of purpose. You should be feeling very comfortable being you. And many other people will wish that they were in your shoes, that they were more like you.
Jupiter, that planet of plenty, will bring lots of good things to your 11th house, the area that focuses on community activities and the more that you are able to connect with people, the more you will grow in 2022. Added to that, Jupiter joins up with Neptune, as I’ve mentioned, but also sextiles that’s where two planets are at 60-degree angles with each other. With you, there’s a pairing with Uranus as well on the 17th of February and then again, on the 3rd of May when Pluto joins forces with Jupiter. It’s active, it’s going to be frantic at times so be ready to hold on to your hat but enjoy the ride. Professionally, you are likely to be the recipient of awards and acknowledgement, public acknowledgement for the successes that you achieve. On a personal level, there looked to be a number of challenges that could have the potential to lead to a distance developing between you and your partner. However, you can overcome it. Jupiter will help with that. And health-wise, it’s possible that you could find yourself encountering some conditions that may hang around for some time before they are fully healed. But they’re niggles, it’s not going to be anything major.

Moving on to look at your tarot cards. In the first place, we’ve got the Two of Pentacles, which advocates finding balance, but also recognizing your ability to adapt to different demands, including those that grow within relationships. You also have an enviable skill of being able to consider many options at the same time before selecting the one that’s best suited to the purpose.

In the middle, we’ve got the Hierophant. He is all about you accepting the rules as they are, by and large, and that leads to you attracting loyalty from people around you. You are also very capable of adapting to change. But out of choice, you will prefer to go with the flow.

Finally, the Knight of Wands. He shows that there is a level of impetuousness that can be exhibited by you but only in appropriate settings, such as when you’re off duty and ready to have fun. You’ve worked for it, enjoy it. You spend so much of your life planning and strategizing that your social life gives you the opportunity to let off steam and wind down, so make the most of those opportunities.
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