Selling your home can be a distressing event for anyone. You want the highest possible price in the shortest amount of time for the least amount of stress.
Follow these hints and tips on how to prepare your home for sale by ‘speaking to the senses.’
Place yellow flowers at the front of your house. This is the first colour your human brain processes and will make your house noticeable.
Air the house and burn some oils. Some calming and comforting oil blends to burn are:
- Orange, German Chamomile, Neroli
- Neroli, Lavender, Geranium
- Cedar, Cinnamon, Cloves
Music also speaks to the senses. Have peaceful music, whale sounds, or rainforest sounds playing for ambience.
If it’s cold, have the wood fire going gently. Open the curtains and let the light it.
Saint Joseph is the patron saint of the family and household needs. Bury a St Joseph statue upside down in the front of the property, facing the house. Ask him to help with divine intervention to sell the house quickly. When the house sells, dig up the statue and take it with you and put it in a place of honour in your new home.
Citrine and Malachite are excellent crystals to place in the four corners on the outside of your home. Citrine brings prosperity and wealth and helps you release the old so more prosperity can come to you. Malachite will attract people to your home and enhance the ability to negotiate a successful sale.

Perform a ‘Releasement Ceremony’ on your house:
(Allow yourself half an hour)
Tell everyone in the family what you are doing and ask permission to release them from the house too. If they feel resistance to leaving, explain it will keep them energetically attached to the house and may hinder a fast sale.
Wearing comfy clothes, get comfortable lying down, or sitting up. Have no distractions. Imagine yourself and your family, standing out the front of your home, and sense cords running from each person to the house. You will see these cords in various ways and colours.
Imagine you have a large sword, or scissors, to cut these cords of attachment, or ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords. When you are ready, take a big deep breath, cut your cord, and with conviction say, “I cut these cords from myself with the intention of releasing me from this house.” Hold your hand over your solar plexus to heal the space where the cord was attached. Imagine emerald green light flowing through your hand into your solar plexus and through your body. Repeat for each family member. Imagine gold light over yourself and each family member. Thank the angels if you asked them to help and wake up slowly or fall into a lovely deep sleep.
The ceremony may make you or other family members feel upset or sad; therefore, you may need to do this ceremony for seven nights in a row for it to be really effective, as the cords may rebuild.
For additional guidance or if you want our genuine psychics to perform remote healing, distressing, or cleansing, get in touch with us on 01223 800 616.