Happy New Year! For this week’s AstroTarot presentation, Lunarcraft looked at the whole of 2022. Starting as usual with general indications, then moving on to specific indications for each of the star signs and the final part will be to look at the Tarot.
AstroTarot reading combines the powers of Astrology with those of the Tarot. Lunarcraft (Reader ID 8608) draws tarot cards for each star sign and help you understand the meaning of the cards and how their influences can guide you to the right path.
Read on or visit our YouTube channel for the video version.
Today is going to be slightly different because I’m looking at the whole of 2022. It will go on a little bit longer. I’m going to start out by saying it’s going to be, overall, a really, really good year. The planets generally are going to be really active, particularly through the first six months of the year. The most active of these will be Jupiter, Lucky Jupiter. Depending on which house of the zodiac or sign of the zodiac that the planets stop in, depends on how their energies will be felt, but those energies are actually triggered into being by the moon, and the moon’s movements. Thinking first off about Jupiter with the moon, it should herald a return to much happier times, but also the potential for the global economy, to go through a recovery of sorts, and start coming out of the slump that it’s fallen into due to the pandemic.
Now, moving on, there are three major things to look out for. Again, each of them involves Jupiter. First off in February, roundabout, the 18th. Jupiter meets up with Uranus, Jupiter brings joy and happiness, Uranus brings change, but on this occasion, we should start to see a return to greater freedom than we’ve had for a very long time. Just to set that into a wider perspective, Aquarius is concerned with humanity and Saturn moves into Aquarius. That partnership will continue right through into 2023. What it means is that we should see an overall improvement, but also a potential for things to return to normal. It can’t happen overnight, so the building blocks will be started to be put in place.
Moving on to April, 12th and 13th of April, Jupiter, again and Neptune team up. And there’s quite a lot coming from this pairing. The first thing is that the world will wake up to the benefits of meditation, spirituality and the realization that those can be life changes. As I said, there’s more coming from that partnership, such as amazing opportunities for travel, to dream big, to go on spiritual adventures which will probably grow from meditation. The potential to make soulmate type connections, also, either yourself or witness others manifesting on a colossal scale, but it’s all countered by the possibility that could see either positive outcomes or indeed negative outcomes. I know I’m an optimist. I am hoping that because Jupiter is our main planet of activity, that he will be able to tone down the negativity that is potentially from Neptune.
Moving on to May, 3rd and 4th of May, Jupiter teams up with Pluto. Pluto can be a bit mischievous, but he is also about transformation and what could well result in a healing crisis. It’s too soon to say exactly what form that will take, but it could be mental health healing, it could be physical healing, and it could be relationship healing. It could even be the healing of the planet. It will become clearer as time goes on. What you are being encouraged to do also is to have a clearing, get rid of anything that no longer serves you, whether that be energy, thought patterns, attitudes, behaviours. As you move those out, so you make space for new experiences to move in.

Looking at the more specific things for you Virgo, Saturn and Uranus and the nodes of destiny will all come together to bring energy to key areas of your chart. The indications are that a completely new version of you is forming but staying under wraps until the time arrives for the great reveal. Thankfully, you are adept at reinvention. Alongside that, look out for meaningful coincidences because they will start appearing all around you and their purpose will be to direct you on to the right path. There will also be new partnerships, both romantically and business-wise. There’s also advice guiding you to have that clear because what is waiting in the wings for you is fun, creativity and inspiration, which, at the moment don’t have any room to take hold.
Now, health-wise keep an eye on your health. Any issues that arise, don’t ignore the symptoms. Don’t pass it as it’s nothing. It may well be nothing, but you would be well advised to go and get it checked out if only to get peace of mind. If there is something more serious, it’s being caught early enough to stop the potential for becoming dangerously serious.

Looking at the Tarot, we’ve got Seven of Pentacles as the first one to come out, which suggests that you would be well served to check your progress to make sure you are on target to meet your goals. It also encourages you to prepare for your next steps.

In the middle, we’ve got the Three of Wands, and that links closely with the previous card. But add the advice to keep an open mind, so that you don’t miss any opportunities out on when they open for you. There is a fair chance that the knowledge you have already in your possession will inform your decisions in the future when you come to make them.

The last card is the Five of Pentacles. It often indicates a feeling of isolation, of being left on the outside, but it does carry more other relevant advice, such as perhaps you’re not meeting your spiritual needs, or indeed, entering into a period of soul searching, which links very closely with the other two cards. The important thing is that you would adopt boldness as a motivator to move forward.
Wow, it’s gonna be an active year for you, Virgo, a good one.
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