Lunarcraft’s AstroTarot weekly reading combines the powers of Astrology with those of Tarot.
Lunarcraft (Reader ID 8608) draws tarot cards for each star sign and help you understand the meaning of the cards and how their influences can guide you to the right path.
Read on or visit our YouTube channel for the video version.
My name is Lunarcraft. I am an intuitive psychic, which means I pick up on energy vibrations and that informs me of what’s going on for you and around you at any given time. There are three elements to these readings:
- Looking at the astrological influences that are likely to impact your star sign over the coming week.
- Offering three tarot cards and those will give an indication of where you are at the moment and what’s stacking up for you.
- Receiving messages from my guides.
Because these insights are generalized, some of the information that comes out may sit very nicely with you, will resonate with you, and it will be yours to do what you like, use it how you will. However, there will likely be parts that don’t sit comfortably. That’s fine, it’s bound to happen. If that is the case, then please don’t hesitate to disregard that.
Wow, what a busy week it’s been and it’s building to be. Over the weekend, we had a total solar eclipse where the moon blocked the sun completely. That means we’ve had two eclipses in as many weeks, so there’s a lot of energy going on. When the New Moon is forming, it’s invisible to start with but that makes it a really, really good time for you to look for galaxies in the sky if you feel like it. You can see, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus all on the western horizon by the naked eye and all of those will have an impact on everyone over the next week or so.
The main message for you is, it’s time for you to knuckle down. Not being nasty but you’ve been putting things off for long enough. We’re now into the final month of 2021. This is the time to assess whether you are ready to move into 2022. Are there still things hanging over you? I think there are but what the Eclipse with the new moon is doing is encouraging you to finish this year clean so 2022 will be a completely new year, new start and fantastic opportunity.
Picking up my cards. First off, we have the Knight of Swords, and I’m going to read the second card with it, which is the Queen of Swords. The message carried by those two cards is that you need to use your brain. You’ve got one heck of a brain inside you, put it to good use. Although Aries is not known for it, you do actually have incredible skills of I won’t say prediction and those will come in really useful for you while you start making plans for the new year. It’s all to do with thought and intelligence and communication. So when you’ve got your ideas firmed up in your head, talk about them. Talk to people who are close to you, your wishes, your intentions. Now, one thing that comes out loud and clear with you Aries is your ambition, determination to succeed. Once you start on something, nothing can really persuade you to stop. That’s brilliant because that will keep you going for the rest of this month and early into the new year.
Your final card is the Four of Wands and what that card is saying is your efforts will not be unnoticed. You will be rewarded. The harder the effort that you put in, the greater the rewards will be. Busy sort of week for you, especially where brainpower is concerned. A lot of thinking is to be done but I know you will rise to the challenge. Don’t balk at it. Don’t try and hideaway. Get on, get it done and have a good week.
First, we can see a new moon be born and in being born, it blocked out the sun completely, so we had another eclipse that’s two in two weeks. There’s a lot of energy going on there. The new moon up first is invisible but it’s still a time when it’s good for stargazing because the light from the moon won’t dim. There are three planets coming up over the western horizon: they are Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. Venus is always the brightest in the sky anyway, but in your infancy Venus look around that vicinity to see if you can spot the other two. Obviously, these things are going to have a message, so let’s have a look and see. Your main message from the stars is that now is the time for you to get back on track. Mercury Retrograde is gone. No residual energy left from that. The two eclipses have the effect of encouraging you to get things on track.
Moving on to the Tarot aspect, we have the Eight of Cups. What that is doing is acknowledging that you’ve been going through a relatively tough period. Fortunately, what that card also says is that time is coming to an end, hence you are being able to get back on track. I always think that this card of climbs steep cliff but as you get to the top, it levels out and the view is much clearer, much more pleasant, so your journey will become that much easier.
In the middle is The Hierophant. What he is fighting is feeling to look around looking for something, a cause that you can get involved in. that will bring you closer to your local community as well. Or if you do it online, be a member of an online community, but look for something that means something to you and your values, your principles.
Finally, the Seven of Swords, which can indicate that there’s a rumour going around and people saying things, try not to become involved, try not to get tied up in knows. Invest your time and energy in activities that you enjoy. Look to become part of the community and you will find that you actually meet up with all the acquaintances, so quite an interesting time for you. Just keep your eyes open, think about what you can do.
As usual, I will start off with the astrological side of things. Bring our attention to the fact that there was a new moon weekend, not only was it a new moon, it was a total solar eclipse. So powerful stuff, even more powerful, because that’s now two eclipses within two weeks. A total eclipse happens when the moon completely blocks the sun and the rays from the sun. Two things can happen though, one is you, if you feel up to it, watching the stars or looking at the skies, because over the western horizon at the moment, you can see Saturn, Jupiter and Venus over it. That means you can see them with the naked eye because they’re not being drowned out by the glow of the moon. Now, another thing with the eclipse is, if you were lucky enough to see it, you would have been treated to see the world-famous Corona and I’m not on about the pandemic, it is the ring of light that forms around the outside of the moon, which is the sun’s rays creeping back through. Now, what is being predicted for the new Gemini is that things are going to get mixed up not just a little bit either, they’re going to be quite noticeable, these changes, these movements. But what it’s doing is putting the wheels in motion for you to make long-lasting changes in your life. Now, we are into the final month of 2021. 2022 is going to be a totally different year. All signs at the moment are indicating it’s going to be a good positive year.
Let’s see what the cards have to say. Just going back to this potentially life-changing event that’s going to happen for you, get as much control over that as you can think about where you want to end up, think about the things you would like to happen. carry out research that appeals to you Gemini, get your brain occupied. Now, two cards we’re gonna shoot together. That’s the Nine of Pentacles and the Ace of Wands, and in this situation, they’re carrying much the same sort of message for you. What the cards are doing is giving you counsel to do that research. Find out as much as you possibly can about what it is you want to bring into your life. And that will form the basis of your new revolution.
The final card is the King of Swords. He is saying much the same sort of thing. Staying focused, don’t let yourself be distracted. I know it’s quite a challenge for you at times Gemini. But your research will pick up your momentum and it will feed into your own personal energy as you become more familiar with the topic that you’re researching. It’s quite possible that the opportunities that you’re exploring now could have a lasting effect for a very, very long time. so this is why research is so vital.
As always, I will start off with the astrological indication. This is one heck of a time for you Cancer. This weekend, we had a total solar eclipse as the new moon was born. Now what that means is that for time, we’re not able to actually see the moon. It’s invisible. But during that time, it does make it possible to see three planets over on the western horizon. They are Jupiter, Saturn and Venus and as soon as the moon starts to appear, those planets will disappear so you know when you got the opportunity we might just take it, providing it’s not doing anything else untoward. As I said, the moon is your ruler, you are very much affected by the moon’s energies and the moon is about being sensitive, being emotional, caring, nurturing all good things. But you’ll find that you are super sensitive just at the moment. But the moon is also about memories and I feel that you will be revisited by something that was quite traumatic from quite some time ago. By recalling this memory, however, it might mean you are actually healing it once and for all. So when you’ve managed to pack it away in its box again, store it. We’ll put it on proverbial fire so it cannot come back.
Let’s just move on to the cards. Your first card is the Three of Swords, which is the card of heartache. It’s underlining what we’re saying about a traumatic, painful experience. But this is the last time that it can ever have a hold over you. You will quite quickly find a way forward so that you are able to pack that box. And as I said, file it away, fling it on a fire of sorts, destroy it. And you move forward with a lot of hope and a lot of optimism and determination because you can be very determined. Right?
I now feel that I’ll read the next two cards together. That is the Sun and the Sixth of Wands, both of which are very, very, very similar messages. And showing me is that by going through this painful, traumatic experience, you will, as I said, find your way forward and you will be filled with a lot of optimism. It will uncover unexpected potential for positivity coming into your life. What I want to suggest to you is that you offer your thanks to the universe, the higher powers, God, angels who feel attuned to. Offer your thanks for the good that’s coming out of this horrible situation and what you will find is that more positivity will come to you. Positivity brings more positivity. So painful, weak in some ways, but also a really hopeful week for you Cancer.
Welcome, Leo. As usual, I will start with the astrological influences. Quite a busy week in that the new moon occurred at the weekend. And, as always, it’s actually not visible, because it’s gaining strength. But in being born, created a total solar eclipse. So, while the skies are dark, which they will be for three days, you will be able to see more in the night sky than you usually can because it’s not being drowned out by the light of the moon. There are three planets that you can now see with the naked eye over on the western horizon – Saturn, Jupiter, and Virgo. If you feel so inclined, go and see if you can spot them. Now with a total solar eclipse, it means that the moon has effectively blocked the sun’s rays. If you were lucky enough to actually witness that, you would have seen the world-famous Corona not the pandemic, but the ring of light that forms around the edge of the moon in such circumstances.
The main message for you, children of Leo, is to remember that you are strong, very strong and it will help you to move past a problem that is taking form at the moment. It’s not fully formed but you can and will succeed with dealing with it.
Let’s see what the cards have to say about this. Two cards are giving very similar messages, so I’m going to read those together. The first two out are the Hanged Man and the Nine of Wands. The Hanged Man is saying look at things from every which way, get different perspectives, because that will help you to identify the problem that is forming at the moment. But it will also indicate to you a way to move forward and that’s what the Nine of Wands is saying. It may look as though things have come to a grinding halt for you just recently but they haven’t. You’ve just lost a little bit of the impetus but by doing, Hanged Man is saying that looking around, looking for different perspectives and using the Nine of Wands is a card of reflection, you will be able to find what has blocked you. I believe the block is part of this trouble, this building, so the sooner you can get your head around it, the sooner you can tackle it.
Your third card is the Knight of Pentacles. He is almost like the security guard of the Tarot deck. He watches from a distance what is going on and he will help to clear the mistiness so that you can see more clearly what is going on, what is acting as a block for you. As I said, you are very strong, you will overcome this hurdle. These barriers are sent to test us and in so doing, they strengthen us. So, it’s nothing at all to worry about Leo. You can do it, you will do it, you will succeed.
Hello Virgo. I’m going to start with the astrological influences, and then move into the tarot cards. So the moon is being very active at the moment. We saw a new moon at the weekend, so for a few days, the moon is invisible, Dark Moon, it’s called and while it’s in that state, it’s much easier to disguise and see things that we normally wouldn’t be able to because of the glow from the moon. At the moment, there are three planets on the western horizon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. You should be able to catch those on a clear night with the naked eye – you don’t need telescopes or anything fancy. We’ve had the new moon and on this occasion, it produced a total eclipse of the sun, where the moon got directly in the way of the sun’s rays, producing what is known as the corona, that ring of light that appears as the sun’s rays try to get past the moon. A lot of things going on. One thing that I want to say to you, which I’m sure you will find important as the week progress, is if you don’t ask, you don’t get answered, so don’t be afraid to speak up. Otherwise, no one will know that you’re looking for something in particular and although you may not immediately recognize what it is that you’re looking for, I feel certain that someone within your circle of friends, acquaintances will be able to help you to identify it, and even be able to help you to access it.
Let me go on to the tarot cards, just dealing out the three cards for you. The three cards all underpin what astrology was saying. I’m going to read two cards together, Three of Pentacles and the Nine of Cups, both of which indicate that someone close to you has resources, either time or money, maybe skills, knowledge, something that will be of use to you. If you stay silent, they won’t know that they are actually in a position to be able to offer assistance, so it’s not a weakness to ask for help at all. It’s a way of gaining knowledge.
Your third card is the queen of wands. Oh, she’s a feisty character but what she’s saying on this occasion is that you have, and I believe this will be the case by the end of this week, you will have a strong and inspirational goal. Because it’s something that you will really want to complete, want to achieve and this ambition, this goal, has the ability to bring lasting changes for you in your life. Have a brilliant week, it’s going to be challenging, but it will bring its own rewards.
It’s been quite active up there in the heavens, this past weekend or so, mainly because a new moon has been born and in so doing, a total solar eclipse occurred as well. That happened because the moon came between the Sun and Earth and blocked out the sun’s rays. The most spectacular part of that, if you were able to observe it was the formation of the corona, the ring of light around the edge of the moon, as the rays from the centre get past this obstruction. The other thing that is exciting is because the glow from the moon is absent, we’re in a period of what they call a dark moon. You will be able to see more in the skies than you generally can. Three planets, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus are all visible to the naked eye. No telescopes are required on the western horizon. If you got a chance, see if you can spot them. Now I’m going to pose a question to you – what is it you really want from life? The reason I’m asking that is that everything is lining up to give you the opportunity to create the life you desire. And something I’ve been seeing an awful lot that if you can think it, you can make it, you can make it real. That is exactly what’s being offered to you at this time.
I’ve just started out the three cards for you. Of the three cards, the first two, Ace of Pentacles and the Two of Pentacles right next to each other in the deck. They carry much the same message in the situation and it’s a rare opportunity that is being offered to you. You’re being given the chance to review mainly the material aspects of your world. It’s an opportunity for you to get those things organized in order, and an opportunity to get rid of what isn’t of any use to you at the moment. As you start to shed things, so you make room for new growth.
You’ve got the Knight of Cups as your third card. He is here to remind you that getting your assets and resources organized isn’t a boring task. It’s the next very necessary step in order for you to keep on top of everything to start that redesign of the life you want to live. Quite a busy time for you. Some of it may well be painful, but not overly so. You like things to be balanced.
I will start off with these astrological influences, mainly centring around the moon. At the weekend, we have a new moon, and it was also a total solar eclipse, which means that the moon was blocking the sun’s rays completely, which means we had two eclipses in this many weeks. So, you know, there’s a lot of energy sloshing around us at the moment. Currently, the moon is in its dark phase, you can’t see it but it has its advantages because it means that the night sky is so much clearer to see because the light from the moon isn’t dimming the stars. If you look over towards the western horizon, you should be able to see Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, all in that area. If you were lucky enough to actually see the eclipse, you would have also witnessed the corona, the ring of light as the sun is trying to push its the blockage caused by the moon and it is a spectacular sight if you were able to witness it. You are quite literally standing at the threshold of change, a period of change, what will arrive for you are much better circumstances. I feel this will particularly relate to your relationship area now, it doesn’t just mean love. It can relate to relationships at work, with family members, with friends, relationships in its broadest sense.
Moving to the tarot, it never ceases to amaze me how the cards line up with the astrology insight. I promise you, I don’t tweak them or change the meanings just to suit what we’re seeing. Your first card, which is the Wheel of Fortune is the reminder that life goes in cycles. Bad times get replaced by good times, and vice versa. But it’s also a reminder that there’s nothing in life that is fixed, nothing is permanent. The only thing that you can rely on happening is change. That’s the only constant. But what you’re being given is the opportunity to have an influence on that change, so don’t shy away, pick up the baton and run with it. It’s going to be far-reaching, it’s going to affect all of your life. I know I focused on relationships, but it’s broadened.
Just to underpin that, you’ve got the Ace of Cups in the middle. That is showing that there is such great potential around you, that you will successfully reconnect with people that are away from you. So again, relationships, so visit them, message them, phone them, use social media, whatever works for you – get in touch with them, it’s a perfect time of the year, leading up to Christmas. The end of the year is coming very close very quickly, so perfect timing.
Your last card is the Six of Pentacles. I love this card but the message that the guy in this card is passing on to you is that if you are kind to other people, whether they ask for it or not, they will respond positively to you. So as the saying goes, if you can be nothing but kind, be kind.
As always, I will start off with the astrology aspect and then move on to the tarot cards. So, what has been happening? What will be happening in the upcoming week? The New Moon was born last weekend, so we’re going through a period that’s known as the Dark Moon because you cannot see the moon in the heavens at the moment. Now, two things are attached to that. First, is that the new moon created, so a total solar, that is none of the sun’s rays could get past the moon. And if you were fortunate enough to be able to witness it, you would have seen the corona from around the edge of the moon, which is the sun’s rays trying to push past. The other thing that goes alongside the Dark Moon is the ability to stargaze really easily. The stars are standing out, really bright because there’s no glow from the moon to dim. If you wish to have a look over to the western horizon, and you should be able to view Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, all in the same sort of area. Now, obviously, that is going to have an effect on each and every one of us. But when it comes to Sagittarius, your direct message is that if you’re feeling uncomfortable with a situation or with a particular person, now is the time for you to move on. Don’t let those things drain your energy. You’ve got loads of energy, but don’t let it be drained away from you. This coming week needs to see you taking some decisive action.
I’ve pulled out three cards. Let’s have a look and see what we’ve got. I’m going to read the first two cards, in tandem together. They are the Six of Swords and the Ten of Swords. Both cards show forward movement, travelling away from something that doesn’t gel, doesn’t fit. It will lead you to experience a really strong feeling of relief once you’ve made that decision and moved away. I believe it’s a situation rather than an individual. But that situation has the power to turn toxic if you don’t get out quick. If you don’t want your life, please move.
Your final card is Justice. Now justice is saying that you are in the right. But please don’t look for retribution. Let karma deal with it. Karma will pick it up. Karma will deal with it for you. To quote from the Bible, turn the other cheek, don’t show that you aren’t bothered by whatever is happening, walk away and you will get there, you will feel a lot better. So quite a full week for you, but one that you are very capable of handling and handling well.
I’m starting off, as always, with the astrological influences, mainly focusing this week, because, over the weekend, we had the birth of communion. Now, the new moon created a total solar eclipse, which means that the moon was blocking the sun’s rays from getting to Earth. If you’re fortunate enough to witness it, you would have seen the famous Corona being formed, the ring of light forming around the edge of the moon. That was the sun valiantly trying to get past the blockage. The other thing with the new moon is it’s currently in what’s known as the Dark Moon Phase, which means it’s invisible for two to three days at the beginning of the cycle. What that equates to is that the remaining stones on it will have you become easier to see. That is highlighted at this particular moment – Jupiter, Saturn, Venus all being visible to the naked eye on the western horizon. If you get an opportunity, why not see if you can spot them. Now there are some very definite messages coming through and the main one for you Capricorn, is to look after yourself. I know we had this or started this conversation last week, and it’s still there. It’s still urging you to do exactly that. Look after yourself. If you commit to too many things, you will end up burning yourself out. Getting frazzled, getting stressed, that’s the last thing you want especially in this meetup to the festive season.
Let’s see what the cards have to say. We’re starting off with a Ten of Wands. Now. It reinforces that self-care message because the story behind the Ten of Wands is it’s like trying to push a bucket of water up a hill. You’re just going to get more and more frustrated. You will feel overwhelmed and that’s not good, hence the need to look out for yourself. It is not being selfish at all. The more self-care we give, the more of you that will be available for others when they need it.
Your middle card is Strength. It shows that you will come through this period and you will do this. Again, it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Don’t hold back, try and spread the load out amongst other people. Many hands make light work. You’re being encouraged to think carefully before you take on new commitments, new responsibilities. Be kind to yourself, show yourself some compassion. You’ll work so hard that these things get overlooked, but they are very important. So book yourself a pampering session, a time when you can just go for a long soak and a lovely warm bath or go out on the town to have some fun with friends. You’ve earned it and it will contribute to helping you to maintain your energy levels.
As always, I’m going to start with the astrological influences and happenings and move into looking at the tarot cards. Astrologically, it’s being dominated by the moon because we had the dawn of the breaking of a new moon at the weekend and with that came a total solar eclipse. If you were lucky enough to witness the event, you would have seen the formation of the corona, the ring of light around the moon as the sun was struggling to get past the obstacle. That means two eclipses in as many weeks, so there is an awful lot of energy flowing around us at the moment. Now when the New Moon is first born, it goes through a phase known as the Dark Moon and what that enables us to do is to stargaze with much greater ease than we normally have because the light from the moon isn’t present, therefore all the stars and planets shine brightly. If you get the opportunity on a clear night, have a look over to the western horizon and you should see planets Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Obviously, they are going to bring effects for all of us so see what you can spot out on that horizon. Aquarius, I know I have a little bit of a muggy time last week encouraging you to get on and make the decision and before it’s taken away from you. The time has come Aquarius, you can’t put it off any longer. You really must make that decision now. It’s long overdue so don’t put it off any longer. Once it’s done, it’s done. It’s out of the way, and you can get on with your life.
Moving to the Tarot, the first card out is the Page of Swords. He’s saying, make your decision because this decision when it’s made, could well have an effect on everything, your health, your finances, your home, a combination of all of them.
The middle card is the King of Pentacles. I love this card because this king to me, he’s sitting with his slippers on and he looks so approachable and cuddly. But he is also encouraging you to take charge, take control, make a move forward, own the actions that you take. No more pondering or thinking about what you’re going to do, just get on and do it.
Finally, Death. Now, it’s not as scary as at first sight. What Death is asking you to do is to take back control of your life. Because that way you can influence how your life turns out. You are now at a crossroads and it’s up to you which direction you choose to go in. One thing to bear in mind, the more decisive your move, the bigger the rewards. By the time we get to this time, next year, you will look back and think why did I take so long? Can’t turn the clock back but you can influence what comes next.
You might be the last of the star signs, but you’re certainly not the least important. I will start with the astrological aspects and then move on to the Tarot. Astrologically, we’re dominated at the moment by the moon only because she’s moving through her cycle. She created or was creating a new moon just last weekend, so the phase we’re in is currently known as the Dark Moon. That means that you cannot see the moon, she’s invisible. But what it does mean is that all the other stars and planets and what have you up in the skies are that much clearer, easier to see, as can be witnessed on the new western horizon, where three planets – Jupiter turn and Venus – become visible to the naked eye.
If you want to do a bit of stargazing, give that a try. See what you can spot. Now the other thing with the birth of the new moon is that it created a total solar eclipse. If you were lucky enough to witness it, you would have seen the formation of the corona, the ring of light around the edge of the moon, as the sun was trying to push it. As another water sign Pisces, you would have been very aware of that movement as well. Now you are normally so calm, so unfazed by life, that there is a challenge coming your way and I believe it’s relating to relationships. However, you are wonderful, for in situations, you can remain calm, that’s your real strength. And the outcome of these challenges will be that your relationship will actually be much stronger afterwards.
Moving to the Tarot, we start off with the Tower. Now, Tower, usually, he promises, foretells of a major upset, a catastrophe almost. And obviously, when this upheaval happens, it will act on your closest relationships. Remember, we will get through this. The main benefit is – yes, I’m going to mess up your life, I’m going to make life difficult for you, but hey, you’re going to get through it, you will get past me.
Moving on to the Eight of Pentacles. It suggests that you and your partner and I do feel that this is a love relationship, partner relationship, you’re both entering into a period of learning. We get some challenges so that we can learn, we can develop, we can grow. That is what’s being offered to both of you. Because in your relationship, it is important you both progress and don’t leave either one of you behind. Things will come to the surface that is unexpected. That is the challenge and you can and will negotiate it successfully.
Now the Two of Cups, such a lovely card and it shows that everything that is going on will in fact be healing for both of you. You’re getting a good, solid, firm foundation on which to build your next phase of growth. Just keep your calm and you will be fine.
That is everything for you this week. I hope you can resonate with these insights and I hope to see you again next week.
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