Lunarcraft’s AstroTarot weekly reading combines the powers of Astrology with those of Tarot.
Lunarcraft (Reader ID 8608) draws tarot cards for each star sign and help you understand the meaning of the cards and how their influences can guide you to the right path.
Read on or visit our YouTube channel for the video version.
My name is Lunarcraft. I am an intuitive psychic, which means I pick up on energy vibrations and that informs me of what’s going on for you and around you at any given time. There are three elements to these readings:
- Looking at the astrological influences that are likely to impact your star sign over the coming week.
- Offering three tarot cards and those will give an indication of where you are at the moment and what’s stacking up for you.
- Receiving messages from my guides.
Because these insights are generalized, some of the information that comes out may sit very nicely with you, will resonate with you, and it will be yours to do what you like, use it how you will. However, there will likely be parts that don’t sit comfortably. That’s fine, it’s bound to happen. If that is the case, then please don’t hesitate to disregard that.

You’re the first sign of the zodiac. You are one of the most energetic signs. Because you’re brand new, you’re full of energy.
Aries things have been pretty intense for you of late, pretty stressful I’m feeling. That’s fine. It happens to us all at some point. But now is the time for you to have a break. Give yourself some respite. And during that quiet time, it’s more than possible that you will have some form of inspiration and a brand new idea. Run with it. Whatever the idea is, and it could be on absolutely anything, don’t discount it. You’re an innovator and this is going to feed into that.
The first card out is the four of pentacles. I used to think of him as being the miser but he’s not. What he is saying is for you to be prudent. Be careful with any money you have. What that means is that the idea that you’ve signed on with, whatever that might be, is probably going to need an investment from you. Not just time but some money to buy the equipment that you feel you will need. So be careful with your money, eke it out, and you will be able to forge ahead.
I’ve also got the Ace of Swords, often seen to relate to illness. But in this case, it’s not. It’s very much about the S element. And that is concerned with communication. So, once you’ve got your idea, firm in your own mind, you’ll be able to discuss it with other people. Once you start talking about it, you won’t be able to stop. Your enthusiasm, your energy will come through in your description of what it is you plan to do.
Now, the last of the three cards is Seven of Cups. And that is exactly where your brain is at the moment. Not daydreaming, but full of possibilities and things you think you’d like to explore, which is absolutely fantastic.

You’ve got big plans ahead. Mind blowing. But you will need to hold your focus. Bring your attention to what it is you are planning that will take you a long, long way towards achieving your ideas. Plan. Plan, plan. If you fail to put robust plans in place, you will fail. So plan for success. Consider every aspect and on with it.
The first card is the Queen of Cups. She is all about creativity and outcomes. She’s all about emotions. You’re not generally prone to giving into emotions and letting emotions rule you and this is why she’s here. She is saying I’m going to keep things as calm as I can for you. She wants to help you to achieve success.
The page of cups is all about creative thinking. Your ideas, they’re going to be absolutely mind blowing, but there will be more than one way to approach them. This is why the planning is very important. To think creatively about other ways that you could employ will lead you to one of my favorite cards, the Sun.
The Sun is about having the energy to carry on. But it’s also have to do with success and more importantly, it’s the success that you recognise yourself and for you to celebrate along the way. Set yourself milestones, and as you reach and complete them, then you have a celebration. Give yourself a treat. You’ve earned it. You’ve worked hard for it.

I’m sensing that there’s an element of confusion around you at the moment. That’s fine. You’re going through a period of change, so things will feel upside down at times. You’ve got fantastic imagination, perhaps one of the most imaginative of all the 12 signs, so this is the time for you to start thinking about where you’re going, where you’re heading. It may involve you redefining yourself. Now that sounds really scary, but it isn’t. You are very capable of doing that, of reinventing yourself. The fundamental you will remain always, but you can find different ways to project yourself to other people and to the outside world and you will find that you do this numerous times through your life.
My guides said mental gymnastics. That means your mind is able to flit about, jump from one thing to another, and come back again. And it’s that ability, superpower if you like, that will enable you to stay fresh, stay vibrant, stay on top of any situation you find yourself in.
I always think of Gemini people as having the ability to enter a room and take control of that room. Not because that’s what you want to do, but because your personality, your aura precedes you and makes people notice. You don’t need to speak.
The first card is The Tower. Please don’t see it as a reason to panic. Often this relates to impending doom, upset, collapse, not happening. You’ve already been through that. That’s what it’s telling me. And that is why you’re in the position of needing to reinvent yourself, recreate your story. Your imagination, your ability to jump your thoughts around, but still retain those thoughts is your superpower, so this really isn’t going to be onerous.
The second card is the Eight of Cups. Again, it’s quite a dark, dismal looking card, but it isn’t. What it’s saying is that your journey through your dark period is ending. You’re just, if you imagine, climbing a hill. You’re now getting near to the top, you’re about to go over the crest of the hill. On the other side, it’s much easier to negotiate. It’s opening up so many opportunities for you, so stick with it.
This is going to be challenging for Gemini people, The Hierophant. He is lovely. He’s all about wise counsel. He is very much about keeping things in balance. And that’s why I say it’s difficult, challenging for Gemini people because of your mental agility. Wherever possible, spend some time to relax, to calm yourself down, collect yourself and then move forward. I’m also being told that working in partnership towards achieving your plans would be highly recommended. My guides were just reiterating the partnership. Find someone that you trust, that you know well, who you can bounce ideas around with and you can work together successfully and success will be yours.

It’s all happening Cancer. The stars are indicating that there will be a new relationship for you. Not necessarily on the love front, but it will be really good for you. I can feel that this will be a relationship where you find not so much a soulmate but a confidant, someone that you can talk to, talk through your innermost feelings with, and what will result for you Cancerians is that you will be able to feel more relaxed, more in control and brave enough to come out of your shell. I know that takes a lot of courage. So look out for this new individual. I can’t give you too much on them, but it’s one of those situations where you will absolutely recognise them and be drawn to them magnetically almost.
The first card is Six of Pentacles. He is showing generosity. By your very nature, you are a generous person. You don’t hesitate to give of your time, advice, a shoulder to cry on, whatever. That is a form of generosity. But it can also relate to finances. So look out for a little bit of extra money coming your way that will enable you to buy little gifts, nothing major, but enough for you to give to people who have helped you, supported you just to say, thank you.
Now, think back to what I was saying about what’s coming astrologically. It’s a new person and here we have the Queen of Swords. This, I believe, is relating to the person that is coming your way. Someone who has intelligence, someone who is a good communicator, and is able to put ideas into words. And this is why I think it will be so good for you to have this person in your life, so you can use them as a confidant, as a sounding board for ideas that you have.
Lo and behold, we’ve got the Ace of Swords, again. This card has to do with communication and intelligence, and discussing ideas, making plans. The Ace of Swords is also one of the health cards, but I’m not picking any health issues up other than your normal sort of challenges of you being careful what you eat, looking out for stomach upsets, that sort of thing.
This November 2021 is a powerful month. There are so many things going on astrologically that will influence what is around you and it’s an easing of a lot of stresses also. You will feel as if a weight has been lifted and you’ll be able to go, “Oh, thank goodness for that!”

Leo’s a lion. I always think of Leo as being fearless, brave people. As soon as I thought Leo, these thoughts came to me but they’re there in the stars as well. It’s coming up to the time for you to upgrade your surroundings, refurbish them, reject them, make changes so that it fits you and your personality. Unless your surroundings fit with your personality and the way you are feeling, you will find it more difficult to attain happiness. I know surroundings aren’t the only thing that are involved, but they certainly contribute. It would also be a good time for traveling, visiting new surroundings that will give you inspiration to continue. This is building up to the time when it will be right for you to go after your heartfelt ambitions, things you’ve pushed aside because you’ve been too busy or you didn’t feel the time was right. Now the time is fast approaching for you to actually go after those deep seated dreams that you’ve had for years. Now is the time. Go for it.
Nine of Cups, I call it the gloating card, because of the expression on his face. But it’s all about having your dreams, realizing your dreams, feeling good about what you’ve achieved, where you’re going? What’s going to happen? That’s a really good, positive sign for you.
The next is one of my favorite cards, Five of Wands. It’s all about life. It’s all about developments. I always think of this particular card as it being knights of old in the tiltyard practicing the battle skills so that when they are actually needed, they’re ready to go. I know there’s an element of perfectionism within you. And this will allow you to, if not reach perfection, actually get as close as possible to perfection. Also along the way, while you’re achieving, you will discover different ways of doing the same tasks that will be more straightforward, make more sense to you, so go for it.
The five of swords is an unusual card, I feel for my Leo friends. If you read the books, it’s all about deceit. However, I’m an intuitive psychic and what that card and my guides are saying to me is that it’s that inner voice that we’ve all got, where we are capable of talking ourselves out of things because it’s too difficult, because I don’t have the money, because the time is not right, or whatever it might be. I refer to that voice as a gremlin and he’s sitting on the shoulder, whispering in the ear and undermining your hopes and dreams. Flick him off. Send him on his way. Whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve. What you think you become. I couldn’t agree with that more.

I see you as a dreamer, but a dreamer with purpose. You also like life to be comfortable, be almost like a really comfy chair that you can sink back into and let things pass you by. But next week is bringing a bit of disruption, not in a bad way. You’re just going to go for through a bit of a slump, a mental slump, feeling the blues, maybe reacting to the change of season. But you will come through. Look to the things that mean something to you, that carry comfort for you. Think about the people you know who you can talk to, even going to different places can be quite therapeutic. What the result will be is that you will come out of your slump, you will feel energized again and it will give you the energy to prepare for the upcoming festive season.
The Seven of Swords looks really dark and to a degree I suppose it is. It shows a thief basically and he’s stealing swords. Swords are all about communication and what is going on at the moment. That card reflects the slump that you are finding yourself in. He is showing that your vibrancy has left you but it is only temporary. What you’re being offered is the opportunity.
Four of Cups again, it’s reflecting this slump. This guy sitting with his back against the trees so he’s grounding himself. He’s keeping himself as realistic as he possibly can but is feeling out of sorts. He doesn’t feel that anything is ever going to work right for him ever again. It will. It’s a passing phase.
The Hermit is about looking for ways forward, looking for your path to be illuminated for you, hence the lantern. And that’s what will happen. As you pull out of this slump, you will be thinking about how best to proceed, who to talk to, who to get support from, what is you want to achieve. It’s a brief period for you to spend in contemplation, getting to grips with what’s facing you ahead, for example, that festive season which is always frenetic, but you will get there. You’re almost through your slump. I think by this time next week, it will be a memory and no more than that. You will have things pulled together in that time.

I always think of Librans as one of the most balanced signs of the zodiac. You’re also straight talking, you say as it is. Never worry about being honest or feeling that you’re maybe being too direct. It’s okay so long as so long as you don’t say things that harm people, which I know you wouldn’t anyway. What I can see happening, and it’s indicated in the stars, is that you will be able to reignite, rekindle a connection with a close friend. I feel there was some sort of rift involved, a disagreement of sorts. Now, Libra, you are a natural negotiator. You will find ways to speak with this person to be open, to be honest, and the result will be that the rift that occurred will be repaired. You will be able to reinstall them as a close friend. So it’s all positive. Really positive. The theme for this coming week is openness, that honesty, speaking your mind to someone who means a great deal to you. You will succeed in filling the cracks, repair them and move forward.
The High Priestess is a really powerful card. She’s telling us to look for balance. Why am I saying that to a Libra? Because one, this rift is around so you are not in balance. Things aren’t sitting right with you. The High Priestess will lend her support. You already have the tools to get through this period, but she will bring the right tools to the forefront of your mind.
The Page of Cups has to do with emotions and creativity. Push your balance, so are your emotions. You’re up and down – not your usual happy self. What the page of cups is saying is there is a solution and the solution is within your reach. Think about how you can approach this, how you can reach out to this person. He will also lend strength to what the High Priestess is saying to you. Between the two of them, you will get there.
You’ve got the skills. What is lacking at this point, and it’s purely because of the slump that you’re currently in, is that you’re finding it difficult to identify the skills that you need to employ in order to bring things back to a level point. As I said, you have all those skills, you will succeed, it might not feel like it at the moment, but you will. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever on that score, so spend that time quietly thinking about what went wrong, and how it can be repaired.

For Scorpio, interesting time is coming up. It’s not going to be the easiest of weeks for you, but you Scorpio are the most grounded of the three water signs. That means that you have more practicality than the rest of us. What you need to be considering for this week is how to forgive. Now, forgiveness can be very healing for yourself because you will be addressing something that has been troubling you. But it’s also healing for those close to you. Someone I feel has just dropped off the radar slightly. They’ve not left you, but they’ve not been receiving the same amount of love from you as they normally do. So, look out for who needs that little bit of extra support, and you will benefit, they will benefit. In fact, the whole of your circle of people that you love and care for and like will benefit because everyone will be back in balance.
Two of Cups absolutely sums up what I was saying about repairing, healing. You’ve got the Caduceus, the healings symbol. This shows that your actions during the coming week will heal. They’ll heal things that have become unbalanced and it’s healing for everyone involved.
Now we got the Six of Pentacles. Pentacles is all about being grounded, down to earth, realistic. What this guy is doing is sharing his wealth. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in a monetary sense, time, attention, support, they are all signs of generosity and Scorpio you can give that in spades, so do what come naturally.
Now the last card is pertaining to life in general, it’s the Nine of Wands. Nine of Wands is an indication that a situation is coming to the close. That’s what the healing’s all about. But it’s also looking ahead, looking ahead to find ways that history will not be repeated, that the same issues will not occur, so it’s about being mindful of actions not only of yourself, but of other people around you. If you can keep that, you know fairly close to the forefront, then life will be much, much smoother, less painful.

Sagittarius is one of those fearless signs. You see something, you go for it, which I think is fantastic. Over the coming week, I want you to be aware of your energy. Your resilience and how to protect those. I would hate to see you getting to a point where you burn out. The whole month of November is going to be a bit messy. That’s because we’re in a time of change with Mercury Retrograde ending, we’ve got a new moon or a growing moon, so there’s a lot of energy just floating around that is going to cause a little bit of disruption, but you will take that in your stride. I don’t doubt that for a moment. You may find that you try out different approaches to get to your desired destination. That’s fine. There’s many different ways of approaching each and every challenge that we were faced with. This is what could end up with you expending too much energy – the starting stopping, switching, changing, thinking things through. But it will come to you almost naturally. Just be aware that you will need to give yourself permission to rest and recharge your batteries.
First card out is the Justice card. Justice is all about fairness and you like to see that people are offered the same opportunities, the same considerations and that isn’t happening. You feel you should step in and almost become a voice piece for them because often, this happens to people who don’t have the capability or the words or the emotions to stand up for themselves, speak for themselves. It’s a role that you do very well. Justice is also about using intelligence. You’ve got intelligence by the bucketload. What justice is saying is, make use of that intelligence to find ways to move forward, to represent those who have been wronged.
Next card, Two of Wands. A wonderful card in my opinion. It’s all about looking ahead, looking out, deciding where to go next. Quite literally, the world is your oyster, you can do anything you want. If you can think it, you can do it. Just carry that on with you. What might seem impossible just needs a little bit of extra thought. And that’s where this guy comes in – the Page of Cups.
Cups generally, are to do with emotions. You are perhaps one of the least of the emotional signs. In other words, you don’t get sidetracked by feelings or fears. What he is actually saying to you for this coming week is linking back to the justice card, think about different approaches. If something doesn’t feel that it’s working, think it through, spend some time, contemplate different approaches. There are many different ways that can be used and you are adept at finding those.

The symbol for Capricorn could suggest that you’re a little bit muddled because you’re part goat, part, mermaid, but it gives you very, very special talents and attributes. For this coming week, in fact, throughout November, you will find yourself working with other people. Don’t try to do it all yourself. Spread the load. That’s important both for achieving success and also for preserving your energy levels. Do your best. Don’t strive for perfection. Your best will still be more than enough. By striving for perfection, you will increase stress levels, and stress, as we’re well aware, can lead to disease, things not being right for your wellbeing, your body, so, just be mindful of that.
The first card, the Sun. The Sun gives you energy. It’s also a card of achievement, you recognizing that you have achieved and giving yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. You’ve worked hard for it. Celebrate it. Treat yourself, even if it’s just a special cup of coffee. Right now. That’s the outcome of all your hard work.
Next card is Ten of Wands. This is all around your day to day life, your work, and what I’m picking up is that you feel as if you’ve been battling against external forces. I always think of trying to push a bucket of water up a hill without a bucket. That fortunately is coming to an end. You are reaching a plateau, and things will get much easier, much more straightforward for you. And as such, you will be able to make further progress towards achieving your goals.
The last card, the Five of Pentacles. A lot of people say this is all about failure, destitution, and everything related to that. Pentacles they’re a down to earth solid sign and that’s what you need to tune into keeping things real. Strive to do your best, but not insist on perfection. If you share the load, not drop your standards, but you do your best, then you will not be left on your own feeling that you failed.

Aquarius, the water carrier, the strongest message that is coming through is you need to make a decision, a decision you have been putting off for some time. The time has come. You need to not just dip your toe in the water but jump in once made the decision will not trouble you again. It will lead to a very happy conclusion. Don’t be afraid, go for it. That was the main thing astrologically, focusing in on decision making, and one decision that you have avoided. Once it’s done, it can’t trouble you anymore.
First card is Six of Cups. I call it the nostalgia card. It’s looking back with fondness at times past. It’s also about sharing those recollections, those memories with people, with anyone, they don’t have to have been through those experiences with you, although there will be an element of that involved. The important thing for you, Aquarius is not to leave yourself stuck in the past, the past has been and gone. You can’t do anything to change what’s happened. Look back with fondness, but don’t get trapped there.
This guy, he looks a bit scary, a bit serious, all to do with communication, which is going to be really important for you this coming week. It’s also to do with intelligence. You might not feel it at times, but you do have high level intelligence. You have perhaps one of the most imaginative signs of the zodiac. Don’t let anything steal your take your thoughts away. Don’t let anything squash your thoughts. Keep your imagination fresh and own it.
The last card, Seven of Pentacles. The message here is keep it real. You have a fantastic imagination, you can dream up all sorts of things, but when it comes to making plans to move forward, keep it real. It’s also a sign that the time is fast approaching for you to harvest the benefits of all your previous efforts. Part of that is calling on previous experience, previous knowledge, and seeing how it can be utilized in your current situation. Talk things through with someone that you know well, that you trust that is very important, and that will help you to make this really important vital decision that you’ve been trying to avoid. The time for avoidance has passed. Now is the time for you to act on your ideas and make a firm commitment.

Pisces, two fishes swimming in opposite directions. What it’s showing is fish live in water. You’re a water sign. You are sensitive to things around you. You are even able to make predictions. You don’t know why, don’t know how, but predictions often proved to be correct. You are one of the most powerful signs because you are the last sign of the zodiac, so you absorb elements from each of the signs that have gone before. You are unique. You can draw on all that store of information, skills, talents. Throughout November, Pisceans are going to find that communication is going to be paramount. Pisceans are really good talkers. They are sensitive, they are aware of how their words impact on other people and it is possible that even a phrase of just four words can turn a life around. The main thing for you to bear in mind Pisces, and it won’t be a challenge for you is to stay honest, maintain that honesty, that openness that you have about you because that is what people are attracted to.
It’s what draws them to you. It’s what makes them physically seek you out for help, for advice, for a chat. But there’s always a deeper meaning behind the chat and you’re well aware of that. You are also good at seeing below the surface. Seeking out what is really going on can be quite unnerving to be on the receiving end of that. But it works. It makes you such a good, valued friend.
Bearing in mind what I’ve said about communication and being aware of its effect on people, Page of Cups. He’s an interesting character. He’s coming with messages for you. Being part of the suit cups, he’s to do with emotions, but this particular aspect is creativity. It’s building on your awareness of how communication can affect somebody, but it’s also to do with thinking creatively, about coming up with ways to move forward. Pisces, you can do that. You can do it in spades, right?
The next card is another cup card, it’s the Two of Cups. It’s all about working in partnership. It can be the renewal of a love interest, but in this situation, what is coming out to me really strongly is the Caduceus which is the symbol of healing. By offering your time and attention to people who seek you out, you are helping them to heal. You don’t have to do anything. You just need to be there to listen and maybe you’ll come out with those all-important four or five words that can turn things right around. Words are powerful, and you can use them.
The last card is The Star. What this is indicating isn’t the water, it’s all about being blessed by the universe, quite literally being under a lucky star. That star, like the star that guided the three wise men, will guide you. You will be helped along your journey by the universe. Obstacles will be diminished, they won’t be removed, because facing obstacles is what life’s about, but you will have ways to negotiate those obstacles.
That is everything for you this week. I hope you can resonate with these insights and I hope to see you again next week.
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