Happy New Year! For this week’s AstroTarot presentation, Lunarcraft looked at the whole of 2022. Starting as usual with general indications, then moving on to specific indications for each of the star signs and the final part will be to look at the Tarot.
AstroTarot reading combines the powers of Astrology with those of the Tarot. Lunarcraft (Reader ID 8608) draws tarot cards for each star sign and help you understand the meaning of the cards and how their influences can guide you to the right path.
Read on or visit our YouTube channel for the video version.
I’m gonna start off with some really good news that for everyone, this is going to be a wonderful year and that is mainly down to Jupiter, Lucky Jupiter. Jupiter is active almost through the year. Other planets will be moving around also and they bring their energies to the house or sign that they stop in, but that energy is triggered by the moon. Now, mentioning the moon, there will be a partnership between Jupiter and the moon, several partnerships in fact. What that energy will bring is a return to happier times and potentially aid the global economy to recover and come out of the depression that it has descended into.
Mainly, the first half of the year will be the most active and we’ll see that actually starting mid-February, around the 18th when to Jupiter, who brings joy, pairing up with Uranus who brings change, and on this occasion, we should start to see a return to greater freedom. We need to just set that into a wider context. Aquarius is concerned with humanity and Saturn teams up with Aquarius and brings tough lessons for all of us. That partnership will be in place until 2023, meaning that we should see an overall improvement, but also the potential for things to return back to normal, whatever that means nowadays. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen overnight, so what we’ll start and then pick up momentum, as the time progresses, is the building blocks will be put in place upon which that improvement, that normality can be built. Now, going on to the 12th and 13th of April, Jupiter teams up with Neptune. And the biggest thing that will come from that partnership is the world waking up to the fact that spirituality in all its forms and meditation are life changes. And it has already started, never a day goes by that I don’t get messages about different apps, different programs, different astrologers that suggest meditation. Keep your awareness open for that. That’s not the only thing. Jupiter and Neptune can produce things like opening up amazing opportunities for travel, to dream big, something very few of us have been able to do. Spiritual adventures probably result from increased meditation, the opportunity to form soulmate type connections and either witnessing or indeed being the instigator of massive absolutely huge manifestations. With this coupling, things can go one of two ways, either they will be wholly positive or wholly negative.
Remember, Neptune is the master of deception, but what I am hoping for is that Jupiter because of his great activity over the coming year will be strong enough to reduce negative aspects. Then, in May, the beginning of May 3rd and 4th sees Jupiter and Pluto pairing up. Now, Pluto is bringing transformative energy and Jupiter is amplifying that, so the most likely outcome will be the triggering of healing crises. Not yet clear what form it will take. It could be physical healing, it could be mental health healing, it could be relationship healing, or it could, in fact, include healing for the planet. However, you could aid the process of transformation by having a clearing, getting rid of energies, thought patterns, attitudes, behaviours that are no longer useful to you and by doing that, you will be making space for new, exciting things to move in. They will have room to take root and flourish.

Moving on to the more personalized stuff. I’ve got to start with a question whether or not you are ready to meet your destiny head-on in 2022? The reason for posing that question and I do ask you to think about it is that the coming year is going to be a unique opportunity for you to give consideration to your dreams for the future. And all this is coming about because Saturn, your planetary ruler will clash with the nodes of destiny. It will be a time for time travelling and karmic influences that will cause you to see people, places, opportunities that will give you help to reach your main objectives.
It’s most likely going to be felt more intently around the second of May, when Jupiter the planet of luck sextiles, that means reaches a 60% angle with the planet of transformation, Pluto. All that is happening in your sign in Capricorn, which will endow your words and thoughts with the power to create the reality that you truly want. It’s heavy stuff, but it’s good stuff. Also be aware that there will be synchronicities all around you, meaningful coincidences, and they will be of great importance throughout 2022 as they will act as signposts to indicate what your next moves will be.
You also need to keep an open mind regarding the shifts that the universe will expect you to make. Professionally, indications are that you could well find yourself investing your hard-earned money in order to secure your financial future. And it’s very likely that you will be purchasing property and perhaps other physical assets with set attention. On a personal level, you could enter into a new relationship that could result in lasting commitment. Healthwise please pay attention to both your mental and physical wellbeing to attain a balance between the two. That will mean that your general health and feelings will be strong in 2022.

Moving on to your tarot cards, we start off with the Seven of Cups. That is often referred to as the daydream card. But on this occasion, it’s pointing towards you looking at a wide range of choices that will be available to you and you working out how many of these would become your new reality and what steps you would need to take in order to achieve them.

In the middle is the Chariot. That shows you being on course to achieve whatever you set your mind to. It shows you’re in full control and providing you with a mate able to maintain your focus, then progress will be pretty much guaranteed.

Finally, we’ve got the Ace of Swords. Now, that suggests you will be spending time analyzing your motives and intentions and then seeing a path ahead clearly. It also indicates that you will be seeking to remain objective, especially around the beginning of May. Wow, what a year. I’ll leave it there. I’m going to wish you a very Happy New Year.
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